
Uwe Larsen
You are welcome to visit my Gallery. Several of the images on the website-galleries from my collection can be found here as framed prints in the size 60x90 cm (24 by 36 inch). If you want to see a specific image please let me know early enough. It might be that it must be printed to have it for you in my Gallery.The Gallery is in my private home (address above) where I live with my wife Valérie and our two Vizsla dogs. The Gallery is situated 40 km southeast of Munich in beautiful Southern Bavaria. It might be interesting to combine a visit of my Gallery with a visit of Salzburg, Munich, the Alps, Lake Chiemsee with the castle of King Ludwig II ,- all in a driving distance of 1-2 hrs from our place.
Please arrange an appointment to visit my gallery by date and time via email.